Practice Page
Directions: Answer these question pertaining to closure of sets. Check your answer when finished.

Which of the following sets of numbers is closed under multiplication?
closed door

  {-2, -1, 0, 1} {0, 1, 2}
  {-1, 0, 1, 2} {0, 1}


Which of the following sets of numbers is closed under subtraction?
closed door

  Counting Numbers Even Numbers
  Odd Numbers Whole Numbers


Which of the following sets of numbers is not closed under addition?
open door

  Integers {0, 1}
  Even Numbers {0}

Is the set {D, O, G, S} closed under the operation binary5, as defined below? Explain.


The table is read from the left column first, followed by the top row. For example D binary5 G = O.



Your task is to create a new set of selected even numbers. The set is to be closed under the operation Φ defined to be a Φ b such that
"a + b is a value greater than or equal to 12". Examine the picture below, and choose which numbers, of those available, can belong to your new set. Use as many of the numbers as possible.

dog closure




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